DSCF4073A relaxing family dinner helps hold together the chaotic, “unscheduled,” busy days of summer like nothing else, but who wants to do all of that planning and elaborate cooking in the summer?  Not me.

So here is my simple solution:  having a planned menu without all of the planning.

What am I talking about?  A planned menu that you use week after week after week, all through summer.  I have done this for the past few summers, and it has worked great for our family!

Mine looks like this, but you can use what works best with your family and your relaxed, summer schedule.

(As usual, I post it on my refrigerator to serve as a reminder to me and my family.  I also keep this schedule in mind when I make my weekly trip to the grocery store.)

How does your family do summer menu planning?

Copyright 2014 Tami Kiser