
Today's Gospel: Matthew 16:21-27

Today’s Gospel reminds me of hanging out with friends when the ordinary, everyday banter suddenly gets super serious. Jesus tells the unvarnished truth about what awaits him in Jerusalem: suffering, ridicule, and death. Peter too, in his own way reacts to the news as one of Jesus’ friends wishing that this not come to pass, but he is strongly rebuked.

No one wants to see his or her friend suffer needlessly. Yet we can never be sure that as cheerleaders we know what task has been set before another and how one’s life is supposed to measure up to the purpose for which God the Father is calling.

We have but one life that is all together our own. To live it with authenticity and transparency toward the bend of God’s design may require setting our closest friends back on their heels. Jesus seems to be saying, “Don’t tell me how to live my life as anything less than that.”


At times in our lives we are inspired with passion and given the confidence to pursue even the most difficult tasks. But there are other times when we may be unsure about what we are supposed to be doing and we often look to our closest friends for support and guidance. Good advice or bad support aside, in the end, how we discern these moments will be the measure of our life.


Jesus, as I walk beside you
You are often image and example
But at times I do not follow
At times I try to pull you my way
Help me to know, which way is His
So that I may be like water
Rolling downhill
Or raised up to the clouds
To be life for the world.

Copyright 2014 Jay Cuasay