So. That magical moment when I suddenly have time to read...did NOT happen this week. (Neither did that stretch of time when I arose from my work and waved my magic wand and folded Mt. Laundryest.)
Even so, I did read a bit. Basketball practice, as it turns out, is a great stretch of time and the bouncing balls and squeaking shoes is all kinds of comforting to me.
There has been some drama in my life of late, some of it just from being so stinkin' emotional at this late stage of pregnancy and some of it actually justified. Ahhh, well. I think a book will have to take me away...
Recent Reads
My rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Utterly delightful and engaging, this alternate history presents historical characters in a fictional setting. I loved it!
The characters are presented very well, the dialogue is done realistically, and the adventure was...well, it was adventurous! I love that Stratford presented the "here's how history really happeend, and here's how I took some liberties" section at the end of the book and gave a brief, historically accurate introduction of each of the main characters, who are all famous people.
As a mom reading it, I can't wait for my middle grade reader to share the adventure too. As a fan of the novel, I can't wait to read what the second book will be. All in all, a great read.
Current Reads
I Am Margaret, by Corrina Turner (fiction, UnSeen Books, 2014)
I'm still working on it and though I hesitate to say I'll finish it this week (because what if I don't?), I am so ready to be reading another book. It's not a bad book, just a hard read for me right now. So.
The Four Cardinal Truths, by Josef Pieper (University of Notre Dame Press, 1966) (for the Catholic Spiritual Direction book club)
Up Next
There's a pile, lemme tell ya. OK, I'm lying: there's a SHELF (and some change). And I'm not listing it here. Because...well. Let's just say I'm not quite sure what's exactly next...especially after reading Ginny's book post last week. (Talk about a tempting rabbit trail to read my way down...)
What have YOU been reading lately?
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Curious about what my ratings mean? Here's an explanation of what the stars mean to me.
Be sure to check out our Book Notes archive.
Copyright 2015, Sarah Reinhard
About the Author

Sarah Reinhard
When she’s not chasing kids, chugging coffee, or juggling work, Sarah Reinhard’s usually trying to stay up read just one … more … chapter. She writes and works in the midst of rural farm life with little ones underfoot. She is part of the team for the award-winning Catholic Mom’s Prayer Companion, as well as the author of a number of books.