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This week on's CM Hangout Podcast, co-hosts Erika Marie and Gina Felter chat it up with our guest and contributor Meg Matenaer all about Saints and the "Hallowtide" this week with Halloween, All Saints' Day, and All Souls' Day.
They shared which Saint they'd like to take out for a cup of coffee, what their families are doing for this week's Halloween and All Saints' Day activities, and why the Saints play such an important role in their lives.
Meg Matenaer is a wife and mom of five from Wisconsin who blogs weekly for and at her personal blog:
A great big shout out and THANK YOU also went out to Sarah Reinhard for sponsoring this episode - again! She just can't get enough of us.
Sarah sponsored the show today in honor of Mary and her book, Word by Word: Slowing Down with the Hail Mary. Word by Word is now available from Ave Maria Press (and from your local Catholic bookstore or online at your favorite book retailer). In it, Sarah Reinhard has gathered 40 different voices to take a look at why every word -- from the "Hail" right down to every single "The" -- is a critical part of this prayer. So often, we all tend to whip through the Hail Mary and rattle it off without really considering what we're praying and saying. This book is sure to make you reconsider the prayer and, hopefully, draw you closer to the Blessed Mother and, through her, to Jesus. Be sure to check the show notes and order your copy today!
You can read more about Sarah and her book here and check out what others are saying about it!
Thank you again, Sarah, for your support for and the CM Hangout, we are blessed to have you in our community and thank you for all you do to keep going strong!
Sponsorship Open!
We still have a few more sponsorship openings for the rest of the year and the price is ripe now so if you’d like to help support the CM Hangout and, send us an email to Lisa at CatholicMom dot com or Erika at onesimplemama at gmail dot com.
Mentioned this week:
- Follow Meg on her Facebook page: Heaven's In Your Corner Facebook Page
- Meg's article: Lessons from St. Zelie
- Meg's article: Praying for Innocence: The Beads of the Child Jesus
You’re invited to be a part of this show. We invite you to the conversation:
- Support our podcast by making a $1 (or more) donation per episode at Patreon
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- Subscribe to the show at Youtube
- Share this project on social media using hashtag #CMHangout – this is also a great way to send feedback, to ask a question, or to propose future conversation topics
- Leave comments here on the blog each week to help us develop this as a fun and helpful project
Watch for a new episode of CM Hangout next Tuesday and please keep this project in your prayers!
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