Gospel Reflections 800x800 gold outline

Today's Gospel: Matthew 4:12-17, 23-25 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

I recently became extremely overwhelmed with the content on news and social media outlets. Everywhere I turned I was bombarded with headlines of the horrific things that have been happening in our world, in our country, state, and even our own city. Fear built up inside of me, despair flooded my heart and, for a brief time, I lost hope.

“The people who sat in darkness…” (Matthew 4:16)

That was me. All I could see was the darkness caving in around me and it was suffocating. However, there is a second part of this verse that I often forget about when difficult things arise,

“… have seen a great light, and for those who sat in the region of darkness and shadow of death light has dawned.” Light.

God sent His only Son in order to restore us. He is “the light of the world” and whoever follows him “will not walk in darkness, but will have the eternal light of life.” (John 8:12). God always loves us, is pursuing us and desires to transform us. But how often do we pursue Him? How often do we, in the midst of our brokenness, repent and seek His light with unceasing passion? Sadly, I have been too willing to dwell in fear and darkness, feeling defeat - forgetting that God is a father of mercy and generosity. He graciously allows us to share in the mission of salvation with Jesus. He calls each of us to be “co-workers in Christ.” We help restore and strengthen the body of Christ each time we share His love, mercy, forgiveness and compassion.

We are better able to see His light the more we choose to reflect it.


Has fear and anxiety consumed your heart lately? Think about one thing that you can do today that will remind you of the promises of Christ.


Come Holy Spirit, call me out of darkness and into your light. Transform my fear into hope. Help me to boldly live out my calling as a member of the body of Christ who shares in the mission of leading all souls to Christ. Amen.


Copyright 2016 Amber McDonald

Amber McDonald is a Catholic wife and mother. She and her high school sweetheart have been married for 12 years and have four children. She has a background in event planning, fashion merchandising, and has served as a volunteer for the 1106th AVCRAD Family Readiness Group, marriage preparation team, Life Teen, and she and her husband have recently joined the Catholic Engaged Encounter team. In between ignoring the laundry, finding missing shoes, and frequently reheating her unfinished coffee, she likes to pretend that crafting counts as cardio, serve in the mom’s group at her local parish and try her hand at blogging at Laundry is Never Done.