This week on’s CM Hangout Podcast, co-hosts Lisa Hendey and Lisa Jones  welcome our guest and contributor Christina Weber for a discussion on discernment. Today, Christina and the Lisas talked about how to discern God's Will for each of our unique situations according to how God calls us.

Watch the CM Video Hangout | Listen to the CM Hangout Podcast

Christina Weber teaches us about discernment Christina Weber

Christina Weber helps Christian women entrepreneurs confidently do God's will in their business and personal life and remove what is blocking them from earning more in less time while fully embracing all of their life roles. To get her free "God's Will Tool Kit", go to

Online Discernment tools from Christina Weber:

Thank you to our Sponsor!

Today's CM Hangout Episode is sponsored by Sterling Jaquith ("JAKE-with"). For a fun and quick Catholic podcast, check out Coffee & Pearls! This weekly show is only 15 minutes and features host Sterling Jaquith chatting about life as a Catholic mom and how we can strive for sainthood while still owning an iPhone and chasing toddlers! Learn more about Sterling at her blog, and you can find her online on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Periscope @sterlingjaquith.

Sponsorship Open

Sponsorship is open for the rest of the year! Thank you to all who have supported our CM Hangout project. If you'd like to help this project continue, the price is ripe now so send us an email to Lisa at CatholicMom dot com or Erika at onesimplemama at gmail dot com.

Mentioned this week:

hangout_720x340You’re invited to be a part of this show. We invite you to the conversation:

Watch for a new episode of CM Hangout next Tuesday and please keep this project in your prayers!

See all the rest of our CM Hangouts right here!