Ever since the Jubilee Year of Mercy was announced, I've wanted to make a craft kit...because that's what I do. The Works of Mercy have been on my radar ever since I started creating Catechism-packed craft kits. There are 7 Corporal Works and 7 Spiritual Works and they're kind of easy lists to memorize.
But delving into the Year of Mercy...I wanted to create something more than an easy way to memorize the Works of Mercy. I decided to research a little more into the Saints we all know and love and let them inspire us...
...and show us how the Works are done!
There are a few Saints who come readily to mind in terms of how they embraced the Works of Mercy: Blessed Mother Teresa, St Vincent de Paul...and you know, above all Saints, Jesus is the ultimate authority on all of this!
I think you might find it interesting to read about the saints that stood out...for each of the Works of Mercy. I made a little craft kit with write-ups about the Saints and how they lived the Works...to the extreme sometimes!
Each of the write-ups are accompanied by the Kelly SaintsTM images (drawn originally by my 17 year old daughter). Five different templates are included of the images with text and we've found at least 11 awesome crafts and activities...and ways to use them!
It took a while to release the Works of Mercy Kelly SaintsTM Style Craft Kit, because I kept insisting on adding more saints...and offering more templates and craft ideas for how to use them! I definitely didn't want to leave out the Blessed Virgin Mary!
We came up with our own Mother of Mercy Kelly SaintsTM
Isn't little Divine Mercy Jesus cute?
Theologically, it might not quite be correct, but the Divine Mercy streams of blood and water represent Mercy…and I’m pretty sure Jesus had a big grip on Mercy even as a child.
Want to tackle some Works of Mercy this Lent? Learn from the Saints!
Check out the Works of Mercy Kelly SaintsTM Style Craft Kit at Equipping Catholic Families!
Copyright 2016 Monica McConkey.
Kelly SaintsTM Copyright 2016 www.equippingCatholicfamilies.com
Artwork and Images copyright 2016 Monica McConkey. All rights reserved.
About the Author
Monica McConkey
Monica, mom of 5, blogs about Catholic crafts and family traditions at EquippingCatholicfamilies.com. She is an author and creator of Super Saints quizzing cards and over 45 Saint, Sacrament, Catechism and Prayer-packed Craft Kits to help teach the Catholic Faith. The Catholic teaching tools and gifts are available through Arma Dei, the Catholic family publishing company founded with her husband Bill.