All ten of my kids are home, so all ten are vying for time. Two have taken to asking me to take walks which is good for my health, but lousy for my writing time. Another opts to come sit when I’m on the computer with that “It’s time for a heart-to-heart face,” which means, whatever it is you’re doing Sherry, you should stop because this person wants your time. Sometimes I can give it willingly, sometimes not. Can you read a story? Can you paint with me? Can you play with me? Can you drive me here, there? Can you make me a sandwich? Can you take us shopping? All of these requests, big and small are the same thing: Can you carve out time for me? Again, I’m reminded, that nowhere in the Gospel is there an utterance, “Make time for you.” Which doesn’t mean I don’t get to have time, but that I should recognize all time I give is a gift, and all time I withhold, a choice. The measure with which I measure shall be measured against me, ergo pour out the time, be lavish with it, and trust it will come back ten-fold. So it’s 10:00 PM on Monday, and I’m speed writing the Small Success article for this week because I’m supposed to have it in by Monday, and haven’t had time on the computer despite having a three-day weekend to do so. I sat down to write. “Hey Mom, want to go pray with me?” and we walked, saying half the Rosary, and visiting the rest of the time. It wasn’t what I’d planned, but she thanked me for the time when we finished, and I came back in to type up the words, with the knowledge that this was the better portion, even though I’d been anxious about many things. Small Success Thursday is about celebrating when we forget ourselves and pour out the time as God would will us to, and that comes when I stop measuring what time is for me, and start spending the time on what it is for. Hope you had a great week full of Small Successes.

What small successes are you celebrating this week?

Copyright 2018 Sherry Antonetti