Every week, we celebrate the victories of the past seven days. The trick is to not grow weary of spending a little time being grateful for all the gifts in front of us, even when there are lots of things we need to tackle. So, to switch up how one should go about this process this week, I’m hoping people will participate and think back. Go over those calendars and Facebook statuses, check your tweets and your emails, and look for a blessing from each of the past seven days.

Friday, June 15, 2018: It was the last day of school. That’s a blessing, just thinking about the following week’s schedule. I tell you, deleting the nine alarms from my phone’s daily schedule, that was a cause for celebration in my heart. Saturday, June 16, 2018: We went out for a late lunch (we never do this), because my oldest daughter had a job at the restaurant drawing illustrations and portraits for customers. We watched part of the World Cup, ordered burgers and bread pudding, and spent the afternoon in the cool, enjoying Paul yell “Gooooaaaaalllllll!” every time a team scored. My oldest son bought his replacement car (YAY!). Sunday, June 17, 2018: Father’s Day and the kids did a nice job. After an early (7 AM) Mass, we went out to the movies as a family to see Incredibles Two. Dinner included cooked brisket, watermelon, broccoli, and French fries. We played cards and received two tickets to a musical in DC. Nice. Monday, June 18, 2018: I dragged myself through the paperwork I’ve put off. Half remains. Also, we bought a family pool pass for the summer. Can’t wait to start using it. Tuesday, June 19, 2018: My second son went to UMBC for orientation, one daughter got a job, and two of my other sons had tickets to see the O’s vs. the Nats. The rest of us tested out the pool. Wednesday, June 20, 2018: We picked up our second son from the orientation at UMBC and bought a desk for my daughter who is preparing for graduate school. Those who didn’t get to test out the pool Tuesday, tested out the pool. Thursday, June 21, 2018: Date Night! I have a gift card for dinner. We’re going to use it. We’re also hitting up the library.

That’s all I have for this week. Lots of fun, lots of blessings, and a fun kick-off for summer. I hope your week was full of small successes. Can’t wait to hear all about them.

What small successes are you celebrating this week?

Copyright 2018 Sherry Antonetti