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"Midyear review" by Jason Weirich (CatholicMom.com) Image credit: Pixabay.com (2016), CC0/PD[/caption] This week is the beginning of July (thank you, Captain Obvious) and this means that we have all survived the first half of 2019. For some of us, this is quite the accomplishment — like surviving the zombie apocalypse. This post will serve as a review of the last six months and assist you in planning to finish strong for 2019. When I look back at the beginning of 2019, I see God’s faithfulness. God gave me a theme back in January for the year and it was simply —“trust me.” As usual, I had no idea how the year would unfold, but God did not disappoint. We took a long-overdue vacation to Walt Disney World to begin the year. I was heavily involved in my internship and had a lot to ponder. Jesus showed me how faithful He was as I applied to jobs and headed back to work after a long time away from my field of work. I’m not going to say it was easy because it wasn’t. I felt many feelings during the back-to-work process, but I knew I had to endure. As you process the last 6 months and plan for the remaining time, I’d like to challenge you to ponder the following:
  • What were you expecting for the first six months of 2019? Were your expectations realistic?
  • What are your goals for the rest of 2019? Have you given these to Jesus or are you relying on the self-made man/woman that you are?
  • Working hard and playing hard are equally important. Did you do anything fun and out of the ordinary the last six months?
  • What was your theme for 2019? If you didn’t have one, ask Jesus to show you a theme for the rest of the year. Involve someone you trust in holding you accountable to praying and processing your theme.
Many blessings to you as we embark on the second half of 2019. "Mid-year review" by Jason Weirich (CatholicMom.com) Copyright 2019 Jason Weirich. All rights reserved.[/caption]
Copyright 2019 Jason Weirich