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tech talk redesign 9 Days for Life is a program of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops that takes place on the days surrounding the March for Life in Washington, D.C. But you don't need to leave your home to participate. This novena is as close as your smartphone or email. Via 9DaysForLife.com.[/caption] The 9 Days for Life novena intention is for the protection of human life. Each day’s intention is accompanied by a short reflection and suggested actions to help build a culture of life. There are also social-media graphics that can be downloaded and shared (as long as they are not altered in any way). Via 9DaysForLife.com.[/caption] It's easy to sign up to receive the 9 Days for Life prayer reminders, which are available as email or text, or within a smartphone app (free for both iOS and Android). The app includes additional shareable images, respect life articles and action guides, and resources on the topics of walking with moms in need and healing after abortion. Using the app, you can set up the time for a daily reminder to pray the novena (and if you change your mind or your schedule during the time of the novena, it's easy enough to hit the settings option and adjust that). 9 Days for Life Via 9DaysForLife.com.[/caption]

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Copyright 2020 Barb Szyszkiewicz, OFS