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Kimberly Novak embraces yesteryear through the eyes of a child kneeling in prayer.  

Christmas in our home brought many surprises, one of which was an antique phonograph and, with it, vintage sounds that took us into a time many of us long for today. Often referred to as an old soul, I enjoy things of yesteryear. I can get lost in an antique shop for hours, enjoying the sights and smells of someone’s past. Opening a musty old book would cause almost anyone else to turn away. On the other hand, I create a black-and-white movie in my brain, imagining the person whose hands once held it. 

Upon hearing the news of our newly acquired antique, a friend stopped by with a stack of old records, all for our keeping.  Tucked in the box with the music, we stumbled upon an old magazine picture of a child praying at her bedside. There was nothing earth-shattering to see, but something did catch my eye.  The little girl had positioned dolls and stuffed animals alongside her in prayer. 




Unfortunately, we did not hang onto the picture, and I could kick myself. Days later, I learned the message God wanted me to inherit from looking upon it. Having it no longer in my possession, I only had the memory to rely on. The child was so dedicated to prayer and God that she brought her little friends to prayer time. Why, that’s what I do, I pondered. 

Perhaps the seed was placed in my heart when I knelt at the bedside with my grandmother many years ago. Or maybe a little friend was an influence on me. Either way, now, as a Christian woman, I am just as dedicated to prayer and God as the little child in the picture. I embrace that dedication and want to bring as many friends as possible. 

Teaching a child about prayer is a big job for any parent. Having a child love prayer enough to involve what is most important can bring joy to God’s eyes. Reflecting on the image and the thought of today’s children doing the same thing, I imagine believing parents everywhere rejoicing as their little ones line up their dolls and stuffies to thank God for their day and ask for blessings upon friends and family. 

Thinking back to my childhood, I know that my dolls and stuffed animals were the secure places for the secrets of my heart. When we pray, we do the same thing as the child with her doll. We tell God the secrets of our hearts in the safety of that prayerful moment. I love the image and the sense of how pleasing it is to God that we teach our children to take along their companions as they pray. I know that when that child is an adult, they will be so dedicated to sharing God that it will become part of their daily walk to invite everyone God places on their path.  


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Having a child love prayer enough to involve what is most important can bring joy to God’s eyes. #CatholicMom


As I enjoy the sounds of the past, I quickly lose myself in the moment and wonder what life would have been like had I walked in that time. Looking at how things are today, life back then looked simpler, and God was prevalent. The people who lived in that time probably thought the same thing about the years before them. 

Here we are now, in the present moment, and I can enjoy the old soul sounds the phonograph provides and hope that those of us who long for the simpler days are dedicated enough to our faith, God’s love, and prayer that we will encourage the little ones to love God, with all their heart, and even their toys.  



Copyright 2024 Kimberly Novak
Images: Canva