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Denise Jelinek offers encouragement to set aside the idea that self-care is selfish and take a look at Christ's truth instead.

So often we focus on the instructions in the Gospel on how to love other people, but neglect to ponder how God wants us to care for ourselves, and dare I say, love ourselves. After all, we are God’s handiwork (cf. Ephesians 2:10). 

How can we give so much attention to caring for all of God’s creations while neglecting to care for ourselves, which we are told is literally “God’s temple” where the “Holy Spirit dwells”? (cf. 1 Corinthians 3:16) Simply put, how can we put so much focus on others and so very little care and attention on the care of ourselves? 

Let’s set aside the potential “self-care is selfish” notion, and let’s look at Christ’s truth.

First, He created you to love Him and then what? Be a mom? Wife? Serve at the church?

Second, He created us to take care of who? Our children? Our husbands? Others? Yes, He did create us to care for others, but the question is: After loving Christ, what is our second mission?

The answer: to care for ourselves. Yes! He created you, put the Holy Spirit in your body and is asking you to care for it. Without that body, you are unable to fully live the other missions for which He created you.

Read that again. Without a healthy body and mind, you cannot fully be Christ to others.




Think of the stressed-out, yelling mom rushing kids to get to soccer practice. Where is Christ there? Or think of the woman who hates that she overate the night before and is berating herself for having no willpower. Where is Christ there?

Dear sisters, caring for ourselves is NOT selfish. It. is. our. mission.

When you live in denial of the great God-ordained job that caring for yourself is, it only keeps you stuck in a cycle of feeling overwhelmed and perpetuating self-sabotage.

I know this might feel impossible to believe. That’s okay. Know that Jesus will show you His truth. Remember, we allow Him to change us:

Do not conform to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. (Romans 12:2; emphasis mine)


How can you be transformed and renew your mind to start taking better care of yourself?

It starts with 3 simple steps:

  1. Get to know YOU. A simple place to start is to ask yourself, “What gives me energy?” and “What drains my energy?” Once you start to know your needs, you will be more equipped to meet them (i.e. limit the energy-drainers and do more of the energy-givers).
  2. Start speaking kindly to yourself. Speak to yourself like Christ would speak to you. Christ is soft, gentle, and kind. Always affirming and encouraging. He doesn’t criticize or shame. For more on this, read my previous article: How to Love Yourself Like Jesus Does.”
  3. Start small. Taking care of ourselves with exercise, nutrition, and adequate rest can feel complicated. Pick one small thing to do for you to start to take better care of you. Is it a new water bottle? What about a 5-minute walk?


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Without a healthy body and mind, you cannot fully be Christ to others. #catholicmom


Remember God has entrusted you to care for … YOU! There’s no one else He trusts with this precious and most important mission. He will give you the strength for that mission. Ask Him, and get to work doing your part.



Copyright 2022 Denise Jelinek
Images: Canva