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Julie Larsen explores ways we can ask Jesus to help us to get to heaven -- right now.

St. Thérèse of Lisieux talked about an elevator to God in her writings. I really did not know that much about this elevator till I read a book about her by Fr. Jacques Phillipe: The Way of Trust and Love.

I really did not understand this concept. What is this elevator to God?

Well, this elevator is showing God that we accept our weaknesses no matter what they are, and we ask Him for help to get to heaven. Instead of plodding along or we are trying to climb those stairs up to heaven. We say – Jesus I need you to help me get to heaven right now!

We place ourselves in Jesus’ arms. However, in another book on this subject, Consoling the Heart of Jesus, Fr. Jacques Phillipe also says we are placing ourselves in Jesus’ Divine Heart. 


Just think about that one for a minute.

So, we are weak sinners – instead of running away and hiding like some of us want to do when we are sinful or just hurt humans, we should run to HIS arms of love and embrace HIS loving heart.

We should sink our sorrow into his depths of HIS love for us.


If we are still afraid of running on our own to HIM, what do we do?

Go through Mary to Jesus!

Place ourselves First in the Immaculata’s arms and into HER heart and she will bring us up into this elevator of pure love!


If you are familiar with the slavery of Jesus through Mary, this is that concept of Mary taking our weakness and making us strong to fight another day and to be like children in God’s arms.


Please read about this slavery from St. Louis de Montfort's book: True Devotion to Mary.

We give all our thoughts, works, sufferings to Mary and she gives them to Jesus! She makes everything perfect. That is how we can reach this elevator of perfection. That is how we can unite with Jesus’ Divine Heart!


What do you think?

If we are still afraid of running on our own to HIM, what do we do? Go to Mary through Jesus! #catholicmom

Copyright 2020 Julie Larsen
Image: Josh Applegate (2018), Unsplash