Kimberly Novak reviews The Mystery of Divine Love by Fr. Wojciech Giertych, O.P.
Faith and Hope give us the courage to walk on water. We go forward in life, believing in Jesus.
One of the many valuable insights given to us by Father Wojciech Giertych in The Mystery of Divine Love is a glimpse into how it feels to walk on water. I found this an invaluable tool in the quest to live life as a child of God. The Scripture stories and explanations lay the groundwork and guide us toward more significant meaning in life as we learn to walk on water through a relationship with the living God.
A roadmap toward filling oneself with God’s divine love begins with detailing our relationship with God through prayer, nourishing the graced union through the Eucharist, God’s Word, and living out His will for our lives. Father Wojciech Giertych touches on pivotal parables and scripture stories, all of which enhance the vision of God’s grace when we exercise our faith.
Love is a delicate little flower planted by God within us.
I was enlightened by how Father Wojciech Giertych shares what it means to be a child of God, to live in such a way that we are in tune with the workings and promptings of the Holy Spirit. This type of relationship needs cultivating. As adopted children of God, we are called to meet God within our whole selves. The fruits of living in a manner where we sense the urgings of God through the Holy Spirit are eternal love and joy.
Hope is a little word that packs a big punch, and this book brings its meaning to full glory. Described as an emotion with a healthy ambition, Hope touches God. Living a contemplative life and bringing our hopeful desires to God allows us to be more in tune with the Holy Spirit and God’s leading. A reflective relationship with God also calls us to be faithful in prayer and bring God into every aspect of our life. Even in tough times, God wants to meet us in our Hope. In these moments, we will find happiness as a consequence of God’s Love.
Father Wojciech Giertych closes with the fruits of knowing the Holy Spirit, the living God, and applying this relationship to our daily lives. I find this to be the gem of the book. Embracing the grace of the Holy Spirit, which God has entrusted to us, leads to immense joy and peace. Every time we connect with God is an opportunity to increase our faith, thus leading to a lifelong relationship with God.
The Mystery of Divine Love allows you to delve into your relationship with God as His adopted child and centers on His love for us. A must-read, and beautiful addition to the Spiritual Reading Library. I pray God gives you the grace, by the Holy Spirit, to have the desire to fully become the child of God he has destined for you.
Those are the children of God who are moved by the Holy Spirit,
who catch the divine waves and react to them.
Copyright 2022 Kimberly Novak
Images: Canva
About the Author

Kimberly Novak
Kimberly Novak is a wife, mother, author, and spiritual director. Her passion for inspiring and motivating those on a spiritual journey has bloomed into various ministries. Kimberly’s mission is to enhance each journey by guiding others where the light of strength is…God’s love. Find out more about Kimberly’s life and work at < href="https://www.kimberlynovak.com">KimberlyNovak.com. Additionally, Kimberly welcomes prayer requests at A Little God Time.