Danielle Bean interviews Fr. Jim Phalan, C.S.C. about the significance of the February 2 feast day and how families can celebrate it.
Here at Catholic Mom, we're beginning a new Instagram Live series to walk with you through the year alongside Our Lord and our Mother Mary. Every two weeks, I'll be joined by Fr. Jim to discuss the upcoming Marian feasts of the Church.
"Mary is alive," Fr. Jim observed, quoting Venerable Patrick Peyton. "She wants to be with us and guide us. There's a wealth of experience and wisdom that we can mine. Mary wants to walk with us through the year. It's built into the liturgy."
The feast of Candlemas, on February 2, has two aspects: the Presentation of the Lord (the dedication of the firstborn male child to God) and the Purification of Mary (the cleansing ritual for a Jewish woman who has recently given birth).
On this feast, we read from the second chapter of the Gospel of Luke. Mary brings the Light of the World; Simeon holds the Child and reveals the Light to the nations.
On Candlemas, it's time to put away the Nativity. It's also a day to light the candles and pray the Canticle of Simeon. Mark the feast by reading this canticle to your children:
“Now, Master, you may let your servant goin peace, according to your word,
for my eyes have seen your salvation,
which you prepared in sight of all the peoples,
a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
d glory for your people Israel.” (Luke 2:29-32)
Join me and Fr. Jim Friday, February 4 at 10 AM Eastern on Instagram Live; we'll be talking about the upcoming feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.
Copyright 2022 Danielle Bean
Images: Canva Pro
About the Author

Danielle Bean
Danielle Bean is an author, speaker, and podcaster. She and her husband Dan have 8 children and live in New Hampshire.