Today's Gospel: Luke 2:16-21 - Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God “And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.” (Luke 2:19) How often have I heard these words proclaimed? The frequency with which they have been spoken has dulled my ability to absorb the message, one that could possibly change my own heart. Our Lady was a simple woman, certainly not emotionally complex, yet profoundly pure of heart. Her emptiness of self created the chasm that was necessary for deep pondering of the heart. Do I have that same emptiness? I often allow the clamor of the world to overpower the still, small voice of the Lord speaking to me through the wonders and miracles of life. But the Blessed Mother did not allow a single second of life to slip through her without meaningful reflection. It was that introspection that led her to constantly praise God for His limitless fountain of love that showered upon her heart daily. I long to emulate Our Lady’s purity of heart and her emptiness of spirit that allowed God to permeate every fiber of her being. I want the distractions and noise from the outside world to lessen so that I, too, can have a heart that is always open and ready to receive God in the form of a whisper or a soft breeze, a hug from my children or spring’s first flower.


What excess emotional baggage, material junk, or even digital clutter can I eliminate from my life today so that my heart will more closely resemble the heart of Mary – empty, pure, grateful, and ready to say yes to God?


Dearest Blessed Mother, give me a heart that is open and receptive to God’s gifts, His love, His pruning, and new life itself.
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