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Today's Gospel: Mark 3:7-12
Today’s Gospel gives us a glimpse of Jesus’ immense popularity with the crowds. People were traveling from all around to see Him, to hear Him, and to touch Him. They heard what Jesus had been doing and wanted to be healed by Him. They were desperate for Him. They wanted to be near Him so badly that Jesus needed to arrange for a boat so He would not be crushed by the crowds. Even though the people were desperate for Jesus, they didn’t know who Jesus was. It was the demons who recognized Jesus as the Son of God. The people traveled great distances to be near Jesus and to be healed by Him, yet they weren’t able to see who He really was and what He could really offer them.
Often times, the moments I spend in prayer look a lot like the scene from today’s Gospel. As a mom, prayer time can take great effort. It takes a lot of work to get my family to Mass or adoration. Even stealing a few quiet moments for prayer before the kids wake up or during the day can be a great feat. Then, after all the effort I made to have some time with Jesus, I’m sad to say, sometimes I miss Him completely. I spend the entire time desperately pressing Him with all of my needs and desires. Jesus wants me to bring Him my petitions, but many times I stop there. Like the crowds in today’s Gospel, I come before the Lord, but fail to see Him for Who He really is. I ask Him to use His great power in my favor, but forget to open my heart to Him and invite Him into my life.
Copyright 2018 Mary Swafford Mary Swafford is a homeschooling mama and is expecting her seventh baby in May. She is a former youth minister and has been a catechist for fifteen years. Mary has a Master of Theological Studies from Ave Maria University’s Institute for Pastoral Theology. Her passion is helping people encounter Christ through His holy Church. Receive newsletters in your inbox, including the Daily Gospel Reflection each morning! * indicates required
How much of my prayer time is spent asking Jesus for things? How much of my prayer time is spent getting to know Jesus? How can I better use my prayer time to deepen my relationship with Jesus through Sacred Scripture and through the teachings of His holy Church?Pray:
Lord Jesus, help me to know You more. Draw me into Your holy presence, increase my understanding, and help me to desire an authentic relationship with You.Copyright 2018 Mary Swafford Mary Swafford is a homeschooling mama and is expecting her seventh baby in May. She is a former youth minister and has been a catechist for fifteen years. Mary has a Master of Theological Studies from Ave Maria University’s Institute for Pastoral Theology. Her passion is helping people encounter Christ through His holy Church. Receive newsletters in your inbox, including the Daily Gospel Reflection each morning! * indicates required

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Gospel Reflections Team
Our Gospel Reflections Team is comprised of over 115 volunteers. We invite you to join us daily to reflect upon the Liturgy of the Word and thank our volunteers for sharing their gifts.