Today's Gospel: John 21:1-14 It’s Easter Friday. After all the events of Holy Week – Jesus’ Passion and Crucifixion – Peter, a fisherman, remarks that he is going fishing. The next morning when Peter is told that it is Jesus speaking to them from shore, what does Peter do? He jumps out of the boat to get to Jesus. Jesus came to these seven men in their work. The Lord didn’t wait until they were together quietly praying or doing something that is considered “holy”. He met them on the beach while they were fishing. Jesus does the same thing for us. He meets us where we are. Jesus is with us when we are elbow-deep in sudsy dishwater. He’s with us when we are tired and trying to remain patient as we deal with cranky children. Jesus is with us as we work at our jobs, whether it’s in an office, a grocery store, or a construction site. Jesus is with us in all the day-to-day, familiar things we do. He wants us to meet Him like Peter: jump out of our “boats” and run to Him. Run to Him and know that everything we do is part of God’s plan as long as we do it for Him, with Him in mind. So the next time you are scrubbing your dirty bathroom for what seems like the hundredth time, remember that Jesus is right there with you. Thank Him that you have a home to clean or little feet to make it dirty. Your daily chores can transform from mundane to the sacred when you offer any irritation or boredom you have for those who do not yet know the Lord.


Do I do everything as if I am doing it for Jesus, even the monotonous day-to-day tasks?


Lord, help me to remember the words of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux: “Our Lord does not look so much at the greatness of our actions, nor even at their difficulty, but at the love with which we do them.”
Copyright 2018 Julie Ann Monzi Julie Ann Monzi lives in Gettysburg, PA, with her husband, 3 grown children, and 5 cats. She enjoys reading, hiking the Gettysburg Battlefield, and watching British mysteries. Julie’s work has appeared in magazines that include "Harpstring Magazine", "Liguorian", and "Radiant". Check out her blog, My ADHD Musings. Receive newsletters in your inbox, including the Daily Gospel Reflection each morning! * indicates required
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