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Today's Gospel: John 16:23B-28
This week’s Gospel passage invites us into the relationship of the Son and the Father and our grafting in as disciples. In being present with Jesus the disciples understood, in part, Who Jesus is. Yet their belief, though discerning, was incomplete when it came to comprehending God’s awesome mystery in Christ. Not until Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross would this relationship to the Father be fully revealed, and the disciples truly begin to grasp His words.
In preparation of His return to the Father, Jesus indicates that the disciples’ relationship with God would be transformed too. For through Christ’s death and resurrection, our love for Jesus and God’s love for us, God becomes intimately accessible to us. We are now beckoned into a conversation with God as a Father. To know God as Jesus does, and to better trust that He will take care of our needs.
Repeatedly Jesus tells us as disciples to be both confident in asking God in prayer and expectant in the results. While we may, at times, offer up reasons why not to pray, or reserve our prayers for just the “big things” in life, we are instructed here to approach without reservation. In order to achieve its full effect, God’s love requires our response and that can be found through prayer.
“So that our joy may be complete” - prayer, however, is not a magic 8 ball and God’s joy is far different than momentary happiness. Ever notice that there are some well-intentioned prayerful petitions that go unanswered? Our Father, much like we do for our own children, wants only the very best for us. His will is for us to be made whole and our joy to rest completely in Him.
Copyright 2018 Elizabeth Reardon Elizabeth Reardon is Director of Parish Ministries and Pastoral Associate for the Collaborative Parishes of Resurrection & St. Paul in Hingham, Massachusetts, a wife of 23 years, mother of three, and writer at Her writing is an invitation to seek and create space for God in the midst of the busyness of everyday life. Receive newsletters in your inbox, including the Daily Gospel Reflection each morning! * indicates required
What might be holding me back today from praying for all my daily concerns?Pray:
Father, You have asked me to come to You boldly in prayer. Today I offer this prayerful petition…Copyright 2018 Elizabeth Reardon Elizabeth Reardon is Director of Parish Ministries and Pastoral Associate for the Collaborative Parishes of Resurrection & St. Paul in Hingham, Massachusetts, a wife of 23 years, mother of three, and writer at Her writing is an invitation to seek and create space for God in the midst of the busyness of everyday life. Receive newsletters in your inbox, including the Daily Gospel Reflection each morning! * indicates required
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Gospel Reflections Team
Our Gospel Reflections Team is comprised of over 115 volunteers. We invite you to join us daily to reflect upon the Liturgy of the Word and thank our volunteers for sharing their gifts.