Today's Gospel: Luke 13:18-21 Jesus compares the Kingdom of God to the mustard seed and to the yeast, meaning that it starts small, but it can grow to do great things. We can understand that this parable illustrates the seed of faith that was planted in our hearts when we received Baptism. We need to take care of that seed, nurturing it so it can grow inside us and transform us into the children God created us to be. Many Christians receive Baptism when they were babies, and this seed of faith starts growing in the same rhythm as their physical body. Up to First Communion (or at the most, at Confirmation), the physical body and the body of faith are equally balanced. Then, they forget to eat spiritual food for their spiritual life and keep growing physically, but spiritually they remain young saplings. How can we make this sapling grow into a beautiful tree? By feeding it with the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Reconciliation. We also need to have a life of prayer, since prayer is what feeds the soul and is how we talk to our Creator and Father. We need to make acts of faith during the day, remembering the great love of Jesus Who died on the cross for us. As Saint Teresa of Avila said, our soul is like a castle where the Divine King lives right in the middle; but we need to seek for Him inside this castle, working our way into it, layer by layer, leaving behind us everything that keeps us from the communion with our Divine Master.


Does my spiritual life have the same maturity as my physical body? How can I make it grow?


Dear Lord, I want to remember every day the great love You have for me, and try my best to keep closer to Your presence in my soul. Amem.
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