Today's Gospel: John 1:43-51 - Memorial of St. John Neumann About ten years ago, the words “follow me” seemed to bombard me from everywhere. Across the years, I have frequently read these powerful words in scripture, heard them in songs (“The Summons”), prayed these words wit Padre Pio in his Prayer after Communion (“Stay with me Lord so I can hear your voice and follow you”). I must admit I have pondered what God is saying to me. Why do I keep “hearing” this phrase, "Follow me"? Then one ordinary workday, I got in my car, placing my work bag on the floor. I positioned my purse on the passenger seat with my coffee mug snugly in the cup holder. I backed out of the garage. As I waited for the garage door to close, I turned on the radio. There on the radio screen I saw the words “Follow Me”. It was like getting hit by a bolt of lighting. It is a song by Paul McCartney. I am not sure of his intentions, but what I heard were words of being totally surprised by God, “You lift up my spirits, you shine on my soul. Whenever I’m empty, you make me feel whole. I can rely on you, to guide me through any situation, you held up a sign that reads “follow me.” Quite honestly, it was electrifying. I have to believe it was a similar feeling for Philip in today’s reading. Christ found Philip. After praying with the words “Follow Me” for many years, I have realized that God is seeking me. He is a loving God who won’t let us go. He is constantly communicating with us in a variety of ways, sometimes vague and indirect and at other times quite bold. It is the call of Christ to His people. It is a call of love.


How does the Lord want you to follow Him today - whether in small things or in big?


Heavenly Father, help me to be open like Philip to the words and will of Your Son as He calls me to follow Him.
Copyright 2019 Catherine Schipper Catherine Schipper achieved the dream of a lifetime this past spring going on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with America Magazine and Fr. James Martin. It brought the scriptures to life. Receive newsletters in your inbox, including the Daily Gospel Reflection each morning! * indicates required
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