Today's Gospel: Mark 4:21-25 - St. John Bosco Have you ever noticed that when light that has been obscured in some way how much more difficult it is to see or to maneuver around? This lack of illumination causes us to become vulnerable and susceptible to certain hazards that could cause injury. In Mark’s gospel Jesus tells us that He is the Light of the World; He is the “lamp” that will guide our paths and make everything visible, so that we do not fall prey to injury – the injury of sin. We must never conceal or shroud His Light. He continues to tell us that it is not enough for us to recognize and treasure His light, we are called to share it, to be radiance for others. This light of love, light of salvation, of hope, of charity and this everlasting light of mercy must be reflected in such a way that everyone will know that Christ is in us, all of us, and that He will remain with us for all eternity. Jesus maintains that we must also exercise our God-given gifts, those individual talents that make us who we are. Only when we do this will we be authentic and able to spread His true Light. We mustn’t think about how much of ourselves we are giving, but rather, sacrifice freely, always fortified by Christ in the Eucharist, forever for the glory of God. Today, we celebrate the Feast Day of St. John Bosco. I am reminded of one of his most beloved quotes: “It is not enough to love the young; they must know that they are loved”. Isn’t this what Jesus is saying in our Gospel? For truly, it is not enough to just receive the light, we must shine that Light so that all will know and believe.


Do our words and actions illuminate the path that will guide ourselves and others to everlasting life, to Christ?


Lord, You are the light of the world - the lamp of love. I pray that I may always be a humble reflection of You, a shining example of Your mercy and compassion for all.
Copyright 2019 Leona Peszka Leona is currently working for the Diocese of St. Petersburg in the Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute. Commissioned as a Lay Ministry Leader, her ministry involvement includes: Theological Reflection Mentor, Spiritual Director for Christ Renews His Parish, Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Parish Council Member, RCIA Catechist, and Youth Minister. She is a graduate of the University of Tampa with a degree in Psychology and Speech/Theatre. Receive newsletters in your inbox, including the Daily Gospel Reflection each morning! * indicates required
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