Reflection by Holly Novotny Today's Gospel: Matthew 25:1-13 Every time I read this parable, I am left feeling a bit discouraged. I can look at my life and its details and see the ways my lamp is almost out of oil and I just haven’t stocked up. I know that I am often a foolish one, awaiting the Bridegroom, aware of things I need to have in order, yet in some ways incapable of making the necessary preparations. On one hand, I can see that I have been very busy about good things, on the other, I don’t want to get too caught up in the doing without reflecting and preparing what is essential. For me, that means making sure my to-do list is properly ordered. That’s been a real challenge, since I’ve returned to the paid workforce after seventeen years of raising and homeschooling my daughters. My days are so busy and I fall into bed with so much left undone, tempted to feel like I’m failing, especially in my relationship with the Lord. Then I remember to look at my life through the lens of Jesus. In the light from the eyes of the Bridegroom, I see myself as His precious child, and recognize my call is first to Him. If I do not fill my flask with the oil of prayer, I have nothing left to light my way into the eternal banquet -- and if I share my oil with others before first ensuring my own supply, I am just as foolish. I don’t want to be scrambling to be ready to greet the Lord, or those whom He sends my way, so I have to discern what is truly necessary.


Do I expect Jesus to show up when I sit down to pray? Am I really ready to meet Him there?


Lord, give me an expectant faith, that desires You and prepares my heart to be ready to encounter You. Help me to order my priorities so Your light guides my day.
Copyright 2019 Holly Novotny Holly Novotny is a wife and mother of two teenage daughters. The Lord’s mercy and grace radically changed her life as a young adult and she is grateful for His continual transformation of her heart and life. She is a Lifetime Marian Servant of Divine Providence and as a graduate of the Cenacle School of Spirituality offers spiritual direction in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Receive newsletters in your inbox, including the Daily Gospel Reflection each morning! * indicates required
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