Reflection by Vijaya Bodach Today's Gospel: Luke 5:33-39 Jesus is often found eating and drinking with sinners. It’s no wonder the Pharisees ask why Jesus doesn’t ask his disciples to fast, since fasting was a practice during their time, and is part of most religions. Even Jesus fasted for 40 days! But our Blessed Lord compares Himself to a Bridegroom and it is unthinkable to fast during a marriage feast. Jesus reminds us that to everything there is a season (Eccl. 3:1-8). Alas, the Pharisees do not see His Divinity. But our Blessed Lord sees their wicked hearts. So let us strive to feast every time we hear Mass. But let us not forget that it is our sins that nailed His Hands and His Feet to the Cross, that crowned His Adorable Head with thorns. Let us repent and make a small sacrifice as penance on Fridays. It is beautiful to hear this parable of grafting new cloth onto old or pouring new wine into old wineskins. Our dear Jesus is offering to renew us. But we have to put aside our worldly ways, not just a little bit, but cast them away completely. Let us trust Him to clothe us in His virtues and to give us a new wineskin so that He may pour His grace into us day by day, week by week, year by year.


Do you live your days in a liturgical reality, making a penance for your sins every Friday, celebrating the resurrection every Sunday, and letting our Blessed Lord transform you day by day?


My dear Jesus, I now offer myself to You just as I am. Remove all that is in me that doesn’t belong to You. Make me the person You created me to be. Amen.
Copyright 2019 Vijaya Bodach Vijaya Bodach is a scientist-turned-children’s writer and an atheist-turned-Catholic. She is also wife, mother of two teenagers, pet-wrangler, teacher, speaker, Latin Mass lover, and chorister. She is the author of over 60 books for children. BOUND is her first novel. She writes about faith, family, books, and writing at Receive newsletters in your inbox, including the Daily Gospel Reflection each morning! * indicates required
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