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Reflection by Kerri Baunach
Today's Gospel: Luke 18:1-8
My kids are as persistent as they come. It amazes me just how many times they can ask me the same question over and over. As a mom, I want to raise good kids who understand that they can’t have anything and everything their little hearts desire. No one likes a spoiled kid, let alone a spoiled adult! And yet, sometimes, I give in. If you’re a parent, you know the persistence of a child can really wear one down.
Why do we do this? Because we love our children and love to see them happy. Why does God answer our prayers? Because He loves us and wants to see us happy, too! We are His children. Jesus tells us today in this parable how God will give us what we desire if only we ask Him, and are persistent in those prayers. In other words, let’s learn from our children how to be persistent and apply that to our prayer life.
Does this mean God will give us everything we ask? Like any good parent He will have to say “no” at times, or “not yet,” or “I have something better.” Regardless, we should be persistent, while also seeking God’s will.
As long as we continue praying, God will be listening. And we will grow closer to Him, no matter the outcome of our prayers. Thus when the Son of Man comes hopefully he will “find faith on earth.”
Copyright 2019 Kerri Baunach Kerri Baunach lives in central Kentucky with her husband and three boys whom she homeschools with the help of a part-time, classical school. She is a Benedictine Oblate with the Archabbey of St. Meinrad in Indiana. She has written for and her own blog Journal of a Nobody. Receive newsletters in your inbox, including the Daily Gospel Reflection each morning! * indicates required
At the tail end of this Gospel passage, Jesus asks if He will find faith on earth. Is your faith deep enough that you have the confidence to be persistent with your prayers to God?Pray:
Lord, I pray that my faith in You is deep and solid, and that I will continue to deepen my relationship with you with every passing day. Amen.Copyright 2019 Kerri Baunach Kerri Baunach lives in central Kentucky with her husband and three boys whom she homeschools with the help of a part-time, classical school. She is a Benedictine Oblate with the Archabbey of St. Meinrad in Indiana. She has written for and her own blog Journal of a Nobody. Receive newsletters in your inbox, including the Daily Gospel Reflection each morning! * indicates required

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