Today's Gospel: Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23 - The Holy Family God spoke to Jesus' foster father Joseph as He did the patriarch Joseph--through dreams. The families of these two Josephs spent time in Egypt in order that lives may be saved. After some time, God called them out of exile and back to the Promise Land. When God called His "first-born son" Israel out of Egypt, it was to deliver them from slavery. When the Father called His only begotten Son Jesus out of Egypt, it was to deliver us all from the slavery of sin. On this feast of the Holy Family, we can see how obedience is the beginning of our deliverance from our sinful ways. Joseph was obedient to God the Father. Whenever the angel told him to leave a place, Joseph left immediately. He gave no thought to the business he was leaving behind; he trusted God to provide for his family. He loved God and his family, so he obeyed. Mary was obedient to Joseph. When Joseph told her they must go, she gave no thought to the things they would have to leave behind; she asked no questions. She trusted that her husband was doing the will of God. As Jesus grew older, he was obedient to his parents. Even when they asked Him to leave His Father's house and come home with them, he obeyed. Jesus knew that in honoring His parents, He was honoring God. Husbands, seek always God's will, and let love of God and family be the reason for your every decision. Wives, submit to your husbands, trusting that in doing so you are fulfilling God's will. Children, obey your parents, so "that it may go well with you and that you may live long on the earth" (Eph. 6:3). If we wish to be a holy family, obedience, motivated by love and trust, is the key.


Obedience is difficult because it requires that I bend my will to another's. In what area of my life is God calling me to more perfect obedience?


Heavenly Father, You always know what is best for us. Following the example of the Holy Family, may we always be obedient to You and love and respect each other. We ask this through Christ our Savior. Amen.
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