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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Mark 1:21-28


In a world that struggles with choosing good over evil, this Scripture gives us hope and a reminder. Our hope is in a Savior who encountered evil and sent it packing. People were able (and still are) to experience peace because of being freed from evil. We are reminded that Jesus was also faced with evil and He understands our situations.

Something that is often overlooked in this Scripture is the conversation between Jesus and the foul spirit. Jesus is direct with the spirit, He addresses the spirit and tells it where to go. In times where we struggle with sin, it would benefit us to deal with that sin and the behavior behind the sin directly. We can be too casual with sin and treat it like an overdue library book. Sin ruins the heart, mind, and soul of many people; therefore, let us treat it as such.

Today marks the last day of a new month in the New Year. Re-examine how you are wanting to live more intentionally during 2021. A life that is not examined is a life that is just going through the motions. Seek wholeness (and holiness) daily as you aim to be more like Jesus.




How will you be more aware today of the enemy's daily battles for your heart?



Jesus, thank You for Your example of standing up to evil. May we call out evil and send it packing so we can heal and help others in their healing. Amen!


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Our hope is in a Savior who encountered evil and sent it packing. #dailygospel



Copyright 2021 Jason Weirich