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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Matthew 22:34-40


In today’s Gospel, we are told that we need to go “all in” with our love. This makes us very vulnerable and in fact, it seems pretty scary. Researcher and author Brene Brown focuses on the importance of vulnerability in living a full life. She notes that even in the spiritual life, it is imperative for us to be vulnerable in order to grow.

This may all seem like common sense; however, how often do we treat our hearts and minds like a separate part of us? God calls us into something greater than ourselves and we shelf our hearts and minds because we will now be required to be open to God. Friends, the greatest thing we can do for God is to love others. We cannot lead others to God’s love until we first have tasted it.




How well do you love others? What makes you hesitant to love God and others?



Dear God, make us loving people who seek You first before we seek anything and anyone else. Make us more like You. Amen.


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We cannot lead others to God’s love until we first have tasted it.



Copyright 2020 Jason Weirich