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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Mark 2:13-27

“Follow me.”

Two simple words. And, as I turn off notifications (yet again) and duck into the bathroom for a moment of peace, I realize that Jesus was the ultimate influencer.

“Follow me.”

What does it mean to follow? How might I adjust my understanding of that phrase? What, exactly, did Jesus intend me to do?

“Follow me.”

There’s so much to do. Following sounds so passive, but when I let go of my phone for a minute, I realize that, in fact, I have to put some shoes on. My eight-year-old doesn’t mean for me to sit still and scroll. My colleague needs me at her desk to discuss this project. My husband has to show me something so I understand.

“Follow me.”

Who—or what—am I really following each day? Who—or what—is dictating where I go, what I think, how I respond?

“Follow me.”

Jesus wasn’t looking for popularity. He didn’t need anyone, and yet He asked them, so politely. His request sounds like something of a demand—it doesn’t take any effort to see a small boy with his hand outstretched, a little girl with her hair all mussed, a lonely neighbor just needing to talk.

“Follow me.”

Two simple words. And if I can accomplish them, at whatever capacity, I think my day will be a success.




How can I make following Jesus a more integral part of my day today?



Jesus, You invite me to follow You, and yet I find myself resisting, questioning, overwhelmed. Hold my hand and lead me to where You want me to be today.


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Two simple words. And, as I turn off notifications (yet again) and duck into the bathroom for a moment of peace, I realize that Jesus was the ultimate influencer. #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2024 Sarah Reinhard