Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.
Today's Gospel: Matthew 23:1-12
Doctors make the worst patients, devoted caregivers think of themselves last, and doting grandmothers are often the last to eat. These are all instances where the persons of interest are not practicing what they preach. “You need to eat to be healthy,” my grandmother would say while sitting us all down at the table. Looking back on those moments, I can see her standing at the counter nibbling on what would be considered a partial meal. Yet, she seemed to be the authority on what we needed to grow and thrive.
In today’s Gospel, I am drawn to Jesus’s teaching that, though there will be many among us who seem to know it all, we are to look only to God for truth and wisdom. I have sat through many presentations, homilies, prayer groups, and classroom discussions, often left wondering how God felt about the discussion.
In my eyes, God is calling us to approach these moments with open eyes and listening hearts. Then, when uncertainty surfaces, seek Him in prayer for guidance and light on the subject. Our role as mothers is to offer our knowledge, along with the teachings of Jesus. It might have made a bigger impression on my little mind if Grandma had taken her place at the table along with us. Reinforcing that God provided food for our body’s nourishment, we are to be grateful for the blessing.
Have you been left wondering if God is on the side of something you are considering? Have you sought the leading of the Spirit in discernment? Are you seeking counsel from someone other than God? There will be many times when questions like this surface. When it’s all said and done, God wants to be the One you go to for answers.
Loving God, I ask you to surround me with people in my life who will support me when I seek You above anything or anyone else. Guide my thoughts, decisions, and actions to align with Your will for my life. In the times when I seek answers, lead me to Your truth and open my heart to receive the grace of Your wisdom.
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Our role as mothers is to offer our knowledge, along with the teachings of Jesus. #DailyGospel
Copyright 2024 Kimberly Novak
About the Author
Kimberly Novak
Kimberly Novak is a wife, mother, author, and spiritual director. Her passion for inspiring and motivating those on a spiritual journey has bloomed into various ministries. Kimberly’s mission is to enhance each journey by guiding others where the light of strength is…God’s love. Find her blog and A Little God Time at Her debut book, Bella’s Beautiful Miracle: A Caterpillar’s Journey, is available now.