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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: John 5:31-47

A few years ago, my professional life felt like it was falling apart. I can look back now and see the blessings God had in store, but at the time, I was seriously questioning and even going so far as to mentally scream and cuss at God.

In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus keeps it real with His listeners and those of us reading it today.

“I say this so that you may be saved.”

It’s not about being comfortable, which is unfortunate for those of us whose lives are focused on comfort in so many ways, from convenience to organization.

I don’t have to think long to think of the ways in which I try to avoid the messiness of a life filled with blessings.

But it’s in the messiness of daily life that I find myself closer to Jesus.

When my life is orderly and contained, it is all too easy to take credit for all I’ve done well. When I have all my tasks checked off and all my laundry folded, I can sound a lot like a modern-day Pharisee, preaching about how to do life right and live closer to God’s will.

Jesus is inviting me—maybe with a bit of force—to embrace the messiness, to lean into the saving that awaits us, if only we are brave enough to be uncomfortable.

As you read today’s passage, I encourage you to reflect with God on those times when your life, your goals, your control of things, has felt like it’s been falling apart. Think of those struggles that are uniquely annoying and frustrating. Give Him those questions you have about the challenge that’s on your heart right now.




How can you “come to me to have life,” as Jesus admonishes? In what small way can you let go of your need for control?



Jesus, thank You for Your constant invitation to me. Please give me the courage and wisdom to know Your voice and to respond.


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It’s in the messiness of daily life that I find myself closer to Jesus. #DailyGospel

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Copyright 2023 Sarah Reinhard