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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.


Today's Gospel: John 20:19-31

“Peace be with you,” Jesus says after suddenly appearing in the disciples’ midst, although the doors were locked. I imagine the disciples are shocked speechless at seeing him. They are still experiencing the horror of the crucifixion. And they are terrified.

Perhaps that is why he says again, “Peace be with you.” Maybe to demonstrate the reality of His presence, Jesus shows them His hands and His side. The Lord knows we are bodily beings and that material evidence helps us. Then the disciples rejoiced.

Then Jesus breathes on them the power of the Holy Spirit and gives them the authority to forgive sins. What a monumental moment in Church history. God can and does use us, sometimes at our weakest and most vulnerable moments. Perhaps it is at those times that we are most receptive to all He is offering.

Despite the disciples’ assertion that they had seen the Lord, Thomas doubts, even saying he will not believe without putting his fingers and hand in the Lord’s wounds. The words shock us. How could he have questioned the witness of the other disciples? Maybe he was so devastated at the traumatic loss of Jesus that he was afraid to even hope that He had risen. Maybe his words reflected more of the turmoil in his heart than actual reasoning. We who sometimes speak before thinking might find encouragement in this Gospel. Thomas is a great saint. Don’t we all occasionally have trouble believing that God reigns and that His love is supreme?

When he finally sees the Lord, Thomas makes no excuses. “My Lord and my God!” he says. The words say it all. He is surrendered to Jesus and to the truth.

Jesus gently reminds us and him,

“Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.”





Do I ever have doubts about things I have not seen? How might I increase my faith in all that is true, seen and unseen?



Dear Jesus, please help me to have the faith to truly believe all that you have revealed to us through scripture and the teachings of the Church. My Lord and my God.


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When he finally sees the Lord, Thomas makes no excuses. “My Lord and my God!” he says. The words say it all. He is surrendered to Jesus and to the truth. #DailyGospel


Daily Gospel 4

Copyright 2023 Rosemary Bogdan