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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Mark 16:15-20

Each week, as Mass concludes, we are offered the opportunity to go out and share the good news. I am often left with a joyful sense of purpose as I exit the church, ready to tell everyone I know that Jesus lives in my heart. Celebrating the Eucharist with those in the community is a joyful time for me. It feels like God hugging His family.

I imagine, as I reflect on Mark’s Gospel, the eleven filled with the same joyful purpose as they responded without hesitation to proclaim the good news everywhere. In receiving my marching orders and the sacrament of the Eucharist, the tone for my weekend has been set, and, most often, nothing can take that joy from my heart; then, Monday comes.

Nothing in today’s passage leads me to believe Jesus only wanted the eleven to proclaim His goodness one day out of the week. There are many ways in which we can share our joy for God throughout the remaining six days of the week. Casual conversations can be blessed by offering to pray for and with someone. The act of grace at meals and reminding our little ones to pray before sleep are among the countless ways in which we can go forth and proclaim our God.

Daily Mass and Eucharistic Adoration are available when we need that spark to fan the flame that burns inside of our hearts. Our act of sharing God’s love with others is not meant to be a chore or a difficult part of our day. Rather, it is a blessing both in our lives and in the lives of those we encounter.




How can I bring the light and love of God to someone new today? How will I respond to the one God sends me tomorrow?



Heavenly Father, I abide in You and You abide in me, never to be separated. I ask, Lord, for the desire to go out every day in faith, proclaiming Your love.


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Celebrating the Eucharist with those in the community is a joyful time for me. It feels like God hugging His family. #DailyGospel


Daily Gospel 4

Copyright 2024 Kimberly Novak