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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: John 16:19-23

When we brought her home, wrapped up in a nifty container car seat package and covered with a fuzzy blanket, I had no idea what the future would bring.

I never wanted to be a mother. I wasn’t the right person for this.

As he put her down on the end table, asleep in the snuggly package of blankets, my husband and I looked at each other.

“What do we do now?”

Neither of us said it out loud. But later, we both admitted to thinking it.

Before that moment—bringing my first child home for the first time—I had no idea what courage really was.

“In the world you will have trouble,” Jesus assures us in today’s Gospel, and then He continues with the tattoo all moms need, “but take courage, I have conquered the world.”

The world may give you trouble with nursing or sleeping or seizures or siblings or advice or accidents or potty-training or driver’s training or schoolwork or dating or arguments or math homework or friend drama or disagreements or stubbed toes.

The world is full of all sorts of good—and not so good. As a mom, you have an in-road to all of it.

And that courage Jesus promises? We need it. All. The. Time.

Stay strong, mama. You got this.




What courage do you need today? How can Jesus give it to you?



Jesus, I need Your courage. I need Your strength. Be with me and guide me today and always.


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Before that moment—bringing my first child home for the first time—I had no idea what courage really was. #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2024 Sarah Reinhard