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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Luke 9:7-9

My teen son has “pushed God to the background.” He claims he still believes, but doesn’t see how faith pertains to his life right now. He’s more interested in other things.

All that being said, he still comes to church with us faithfully each Sunday. I can tell he listens because we always talk about our “take away” from the sermon after. The discussion even goes as far as how each one of us wants to change to live out the message we heard.

I’m an optimist by nature. So, all of this gives me so much hope for him. As long as he’s keeping an open mind, and he’s letting some things sink into his heart, I have to trust that he’ll allow God to bring him closer and deeper in faith eventually.

When I read Luke 9:7-9, the eternal optimist in me springs to life again. Hearing Herod be so curious about Jesus, and wanting to see Him, has me rewriting the rest of the story. In my revision, Herod follows through on those promptings in his heart and accepts Jesus as his Lord and Savior, and then turns around and saves Jesus from crucifixion.

Yet, we all know how critical the crucifixion is. Without it, there would be no resurrection. Both are cornerstones of our faith. They are what redeem us all. Like Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:17: “And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is vain; you are still in your sins.”

Consequently, I can’t rewrite Herod’s story. But I’m going to remain hopeful that I can rewrite my son’s. I plan to continue to witness to him, and pray unceasingly, like St. Monica. Her’s is a story that proves the power of prayer can lead a loved one back to faith.




Who do I know that is struggling with their faith? Can I use the power of prayer to pray them through and back to God?



True God, hear my prayers as I pray those I love back to You.


Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2024 Claire McGarry