Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.
Today's Gospel: Luke 9:43b-45
Today’s very brief Gospel reading describes a moment of confusion for Jesus’ disciples. He tells them to pay attention, then says He will be handed over to men. His followers have no idea what He is talking about, and they’re afraid to ask. We also learn that the meaning of this saying “was hidden from them so that they should not understand it.”
What strikes me about this Gospel is the fact that Jesus wants His disciples to hear something now that they will only be able to understand later. For us, living in a culture obsessed with instant gratification, this idea of not being able to immediately discern God’s plan feels especially maddening. What we forget, though, is that God’s timing is perfect. While we might be looking for instant answers to all of life’s difficulties in a single sweeping answer to prayer, often the Lord reveals his responses to us more slowly, showing us only what He needs us to see at that moment. But we need to pay attention to each piece of the message to be able to make sense of it all later on.
Am I paying attention to what Jesus is revealing in my life?
Lord, help me to pay attention each day to what You are trying to teach me, and grant me the grace to discern and follow Your will in all things.
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While we might be looking for instant answers to all of life’s difficulties, often the Lord reveals his responses to us more slowly, showing us only what He needs us to see at that moment. #DailyGospel
Copyright 2023 Katie Fitzgerald
About the Author

Katie Fitzgerald
Katie Fitzgerald is a former children's librarian turned homeschooling mom. She and her librarian husband live in Maryland with their five children: three big sisters and a set of boy/girl twins. She blogs about homeschooling and reading at ReadAtHomeMom.com and writes short fiction, some of which appears in online magazines and print anthologies. Connect with her on Instagram @katiefitzstories.