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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Luke 19:1-10

Sometimes as Christians we behave like those who grumbled when Jesus told Zacchaeus He would stay at his house.

“He has gone to stay at the house of a sinner.”

My children love this Gospel story about a short man - a wealthy member of the community who didn’t make a habit of climbing trees, I’ll bet – scrambling up a sycamore to catch a glimpse of Christ. Jesus doesn’t treat him like a foolish, corrupt, worldly man to be ignored. Instead, Jesus greets him cheerfully. I can imagine His smile as he looks up into Zacchaeus’s face. It is not Zacchaeus who welcomes Christ; it is Christ Who welcomes Zacchaeus, Who welcomes his sincerity and his eagerness. And Zacchaeus reacts as many others have done to the Son of God: He announces his intent to change, admits his sin, and commits to repairing the wrong he has done.

How do we greet our fellow sinners? Do we sit in judgment instead of resting in love? Do we try to act as gatekeepers to Christ? They can’t be friends with our Lord because they’ve done this and this and this? It’s draining to wield a weapon of judgment, and, worse, it pulls us away from Who Christ is, from how He was with Zacchaeus.

When we become lost in judgment, this story, and many Gospel stories like it, can redirect our hearts. No good comes from grumbling about others’ sins; we need and benefit from Christ’s mercy every day because of our own sin. Instead, let’s joyfully carry Christ’s salvation into every place we enter, into every conversation we have. People are eager to see Who Christ really is; they are desperate to catch a glimpse of His love and mercy, just like Zacchaeus.




How am I like Zacchaeus or like those who grumbled, and how can I be more like Christ?



Lord, teach me to have Your love and hospitality. And may I always receive You with joy, like Zacchaeus.


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People are eager to see Who Christ really is; they are desperate to catch a glimpse of His love and mercy, just like Zacchaeus.


Daily Gospel 4

Copyright 2022 Hillary Ibarra