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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Matthew 17:9a, 10-13

“So also will the Son of Man suffer at their hands.”

Elijah was a mighty prophet during a turbulent time in Israel's history, sent to show Israel the evil of their ways and encourage them to repent and return to the Lord. The encounters we read about Elijah show us his humanity, particularly with any doubts and struggles he experienced along the way. Discouragement can be common when one suffers, yet at the same time, suffering draws us closer to Christ.

When we have, for example, the loss of a loved one, or are undergoing other difficult times (i.e. physical, financial or emotional struggles), we recall our reliance on God. In the Catechism, the Church teaches, "The cross is the unique sacrifice of Christ, the 'one mediator between God and men.'" (CCC 618)

Dallas Jenkins, producer of The Chosen, notes, “Rather than a bad thing, the times when I've been closest to God is when I struggle with something, and if I start to go too long without struggling, I begin to become self-reliant or stray away from God.” In an interview, he notes his wife Amanda has coined a phrase known as "Red Sea moments," recalling the moment of God's chosen fleeing Egypt and being up against the sea with the Egyptians weighing in behind them. In that instance, it must have been overwhelming, to say the least. All they could do is surrender to God. The feelings in which we feel most broken are the most powerful, what brings us closest to God. Suffering in this world is, for disciples of Christ, to remind us this world is not our world.




What hardship is God using in your life for His glory?



St. Rose of Lima said, “Apart from the cross there is no other ladder by which we may get to heaven.” May we accept our crosses and brokenness with humility, as Christ is especially compassionate toward those who suffer and carry a heavy heart.


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The cross is the unique sacrifice of Christ, the "one mediator between God and men."

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2023 Alexis Dallara-Marsh