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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Luke 2:36-40

When my husband read the Gospel during our morning prayers this week, my ears perked up. It was Luke 18:1-8 about the widow who begged. As my husband read the Scripture, I became aware that this reading was my answer to prayer. I had been praying about what to write for a Gospel reflection from Luke 2:36-40, today's reading.

These two Scriptures were both about widows, but what a contrast. The first widow kept begging the judge for justice. The judge first refused, and then relented by ruling in her favor. I guess you could say that she wore him down.

In Luke 2:36-40, Anna, also a widow, had quite a different story to tell. After only seven years of marriage, Anna found herself a widow. Did she beg God to give her another husband? No. Rather, she accepted her lot in life and dedicated her life to serving the Lord day and night by fasting and praying. Now, at age eighty-four, Anna praised God for being able to see the Messiah, and she was eager to tell the world.

I pondered. Which widow was I most similar to? When life takes an unexpected turn, do I choose contentment, or do I prayerfully beg God for a change in my circumstances? There is definitely nothing wrong with persevering in prayer, however, I was struck by the faith of Anna the prophetess, who chose contentment instead. The first widow wanted to receive, but the second widow desired to give.




When life circumstances take an unexpected turn, do you become a giver or a beggar?



God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.


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When life takes an unexpected turn, do I choose contentment, or do I prayerfully beg God for a change in my circumstances? . . . I was struck by the faith of Anna the prophetess, who chose contentment. #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2023 Ellen Morgan